
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

My first speech (a recount)

My first speech

On the 22 of March after the school’s assembly I said my first speech in the school hall.

 I was not the only one saying a speech. There were quite a few other year 7 and 8’s saying speeches too, the rest of the year 7 and 8’s who weren't saying speeches watched us. Some other learners from different classes decided to stay behind in the hall to watch us.

 The purpose of the speech was to see which four learners would be a good leaders for our four house groups.The name of the groups are: Ta wai O'Taiki (blue), Taurere (green), Kaiahiku (yellow) and Maungarei (red). I am running for house captain of Ta Wai O'Taiki.

This was the first time I said a speech in  front of so many people. My speech was about me telling the learners why I want to be house captain and why  I would be a good house captain.

I was very nervous. A few moments before it was my turn I literally couldn't breathe. I was supposed to look at my audience and say my speech and only look down at my page with my speech on it when i got confused, but because I was so nervous i looked at my page the whole time and only looked up at the end.

My speech didn't go as bad as I thought it would and I don't want to do that again (except for when I’m running for head or deputy head girl of course). Although if I do have to do a speech in front of so many people again I probably won't be so shy.

This was a weird experience and I am glad it is over. Although I have to admit it did improve my self confidence.

Thank you for reading

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