
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Science experiment: Why is it that no matter how wet a nappy gets it doesn't leak ??????

Last Monday was a very exciting day even though it started off embarrassing.

On Monday morning when we saw the plan for the day we got a shock because for the first lesson we were doing a nappy experiment. When we asked Mr Raj what we were going to do with nappies he said we'll see, he then made us sit in a big circle on the mat. He then handed out plastic cups and spoons, diapers and a zip-lock bags. He said we were going to find out why no matter how much babies pee or poop the diaper never leaks. So then we had to rip open the diapers take out the cotton filling and put it on a zip-lock bag and shake it, then we started to notice some white crystals separating from the cotton. We then poured the crystals out into a cup and mixed it with water, the crystals turned into a gel. We found out that it was thanks to the crystal absorbing all the pee and poop that the diaper didn't leak. We then used the gel like snow and threw it at each other.

The next day I decided to some research about the white crystals that turned to gel were  called and what they were, and I found out the crystals were called sodium polyacrylite. I am not sure how to explain what it is so watch the video in this link 
Thank you for reading my  blog


  1. Hi its me Jorja Harris
    I loved your experiment it sounds really fun maybe I could try it some day.

  2. did you get to touch the sodium polyacrylite?

    1. yes we did touch it
      we actually used like snow and threw it at each other
