
Friday, March 20, 2020

Prepping for the Art Exhibition

With our Art Exhibition coming up everyone is extremely excited. My class decide to do something as a class and make our own personal creations as well. A few of us are doing paintings, though most of us are making traditional pieces of clothing. I'm making a painting.

Everyone is working their hardest and having fun we will only continue to do so. The only sad thing is that with this virus going around there is a chance that the art exhibition and culture fest will be cancelled. Currently we're all hoping and wishing that all our hard work won't go to waste.

All of that aside, I have made a slide to share my preparations with you all. Hope you enjoy.

If you are done then I just want to say thank you for checking out my post.
Yours truly,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah!
    Your art exhibition slide sounds great! Hopefully you get to create this amazing painting!
